Sustainability at Amtrak
Amtrak embraces sustainability as a way to operate our passenger rail business. Our company-wide Sustainability Policy guides how we incorporate environmental, financial, and social considerations into our risk assessment processes and project outcomes. Over the course of the last decade we’ve implemented new technologies and changed employee behavior which resulted in reducing Amtrak greenhouse gas emissions by more than 414,054 metric tons of CO2e, equivalent to 90,048 passenger vehicles driven for one year. Now we’re focused on delivering safe and reliable service to our customers and we’re evaluating ways to improve operations in the face of changing climate conditions across the national network.

Our Story
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, safely moving people between large cities and rural towns, and saving money are key to sustaining our business for decades to come.

Climate Adaptation
As severe weather and service disruptions become more frequent, we must continue to understand the threats across our system and implement solutions to resume safe, reliable operations.

Recognition & Awards
Amtrak’s 21,000+ employees are behind every great idea and accomplishment. When that hard work is recognized by others, we want to tell you about it.

Sustainability Report
Our tenth Sustainability Report for our activities in FY23 provides examples of our most notable social, environmental, and economic achievements over the last year.

Reports & Policies
We use policies to garner executive-level, cross-departmental support, while the annual reports are tools to communicate Amtrak’s achievements and ongoing efforts to stakeholders.
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